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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey ..
You: hiii
Stranger: chinese i am ..
You: ur asl?
You: wow chinese,, nice :)
Stranger: 21..
Stranger: femal..
You: i'm indonesian..
Stranger: and u..
You: 18 female..
Stranger: wow..
You: what r u doin there?
Stranger: aha..
You: ahaaa
Stranger: ..i get up just now..
You: same like me..
You: LOL
You: what time at there now?
You: it's 7:54 am
Stranger: our time is
You: ouhh,, i think the sun is quite heater that here :)
Stranger: are u going to school?
You: nope :D
You: i just have in college
You: and i'm a freshman
Stranger: yeah...i know your place are very hot..
You: hahaha, what about china? is there hot ?
Stranger: ..yeah ... i stay in college already for 3years..
Stranger: this is the last year...i stay.
You: so, this is will be ur last year maybe?
You: yap!
You: that's my right guess :)
Stranger: yep.... u don't have class this morning?
You: i don't..
You: this 2weeks will be my holiday.. yes! and u? are u goin to college this morning?
Stranger: yep.. so u get up early and open up your PC..
You: LOL
You: yeah u know it, I always like this in the holiday,, i don't have anything to do,,
Stranger: i have the class.. but i don't wanna..go to....
You: hhha, why u don't want to?
You: it's wednesday...
Stranger: Truancy
Stranger: haha..
You: and it's still fasting month here
You: hhahahah truancy...
Stranger: ...ahaha.. i am a bad girl...
You: hhha sounds good,,
You: i'm a nice girl,,
Stranger: at the first.. i am a good girl ...every class i go to..
You: sometimes wanna have a day like a bad girl but i can't i don't know why LOL
You: so,,
Stranger: but when it comes to the last year...i don;t
You: why?
You: are u bore or something?
Stranger: yeah..
You: hmm,,
Stranger: the boring of get jop.
You: be patient heyy girl..... this is ur last year,, 1 year left... :)
You: what is jop?
You: job?
Stranger: ..yeah..
Stranger: jop..
You: hey i want to ask u something.. may i?
Stranger: yeah ..go ahead..
You: how's situation at there when fasting month comes?
Stranger: depends on what you do and how you feel....when u put all your heart in sth...time pass fast..
You: ouhhh
Stranger: well.. by the way
You: yap?
Stranger: ... what is your subject major?
You: English education :D
Stranger: ...
You: i want to be a teacher or lecturer
You: what about u?
Stranger: nuclear power.and artomic physics..
You: wow!
You: it sounds so scientics ,right??
Stranger: . yep...
Stranger: so hard for a girl..
You: i'm shudder to hear that!
Stranger: your marthiatic.must be very good.
You: what is marthiatic?
You: so why did u choose that major?
Stranger: ask for a high lever of mathematic..
You: wow again!
You: hmm,, is it same as calculus?
Stranger: yep..
You: I see,, but i don't study about it, my math is soooo bad :D
Stranger: ..........ahah..
You: i don't like chemistry cause i never understand about it :(
Stranger: mine is bad too.
You: hahahha
Stranger: ahaha..
Stranger: u are a bad girl
Stranger: can i see ur pic?
You: u study bout chemistry and physic too right?
You: hhha
You: hhaha
Stranger: not chemi
Stranger: i don.t study che
You: yes u may...
You: u may visit my page
Stranger: yep
Stranger: whats
Stranger: give me
You: od
You: that are my personal web
You: but the all content by indonesian LOL
Stranger: i can't get in
Stranger: ..msn ok?
You: why??
You: pialovepia
You: so what is yours?
Stranger: i don't know.
You: but i never log in to msn, i don't know how to LOL
You: how do i call you?
You: yuan or sheng?
Stranger: 冯源升。。
You: i can't read LOL
Stranger: my chinese name...
Stranger: ahah..
You: hhha
Stranger: 我叫冯源升。。啊哈哈。 。
Stranger: haha..
You: pleaseeee
You: explain thattt
You: i can't read it :(
You: hahhaha
Stranger: is hart to explain..
You: can u write down ?
Stranger: but i can use chinese language to explain..
You: or spell it?
Stranger: not english..
Stranger: fengyuansheng
You: oke, i will call u with ur complete name
You: fengyuansheng :)
Stranger: yeah..
Stranger: well
Stranger: what your name ?
You: my name is pia
You: pia zakiyah
You: do you have ym ?
You: may i know it?
You: yap
Stranger: pia zakiyah
You: yahoo messeger
Stranger: ..i only have msn messeger.
Stranger: give me your yahoo address.
You: mpiw_piyo
You: no problem
You: :)
You: nice chat with u sist
Stranger: ..i am a boy..
Stranger: aha..
You: haaaa?
Stranger: i am a boy.
You: but u said that u are female
You: :o
You: 21..
Stranger: is there a girl choose nuclear as her subjective major>
Stranger: ?
You: LOL
You: i never think about that!
You: hahhaha
Stranger: ahaa..
Stranger: add me.
You: but one of my friend want to choose it as her major
You: it sounds so weird?
You: :D
You: do you have facebook account or friendster or something like social networks?
Stranger: i give u a message ..on msn
Stranger: .. check
You: wait
You: how to check it..
You: i'm a newbie :D
You: hey
You: please tell me
Stranger: ..
Stranger: what?
You: wait
Stranger: land on
You: the connection is so bad hha
Stranger: first land on your yahoo messenger.
You: oke,,
You: then?
Stranger: do u have windonws live?
Stranger: . windows live
You: i have
You: but i don't have the application
Stranger: i see u
You: i just have the email,,,
Stranger: do u see me?
Stranger: i see u
pindah ke YM eh MSN ceritanya
冯源升: zai
冯源升: hey
冯源升: hey
冯源升: hey
冯源升: hey
Mpiw Piyo: heyyy
Mpiw Piyo: i seee
冯源升: ahahh.
Mpiw Piyo: it is you??
冯源升: ...
冯源升: yeah.
Mpiw Piyo: hhha
冯源升: can u see my pic?
Mpiw Piyo: nooo
Mpiw Piyo: i don't know why
冯源升: wow...
Mpiw Piyo: can u see my pict?
冯源升: only u have windows live ...u can
Mpiw Piyo: huhuhu
冯源升: i can't see yours
Mpiw Piyo: how can i chat at msn?
冯源升: only u are msn ..i can see yours.
Mpiw Piyo: uuh ,,
Mpiw Piyo: wanna see it
冯源升: search on google..
冯源升: find msn
Mpiw Piyo: okayy
冯源升: then load down..
Mpiw Piyo: i'm sorry to make u wait
Mpiw Piyo: LOL
冯源升: not at is ok..
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: thx
Mpiw Piyo: sooo i call u bro yeah? not sist?
冯源升: u wish.
Mpiw Piyo: hha
Mpiw Piyo: or u want me to call u sist?
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: wait
Mpiw Piyo: it is still 10%complete
Mpiw Piyo: huhuhu
Mpiw Piyo: what are u doin now?
冯源升: yo ..wait for u . ..
冯源升: have nth to do but enjoy the music..
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: so what is the music do you hear of?
冯源升: i am yours.
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: i like it too
Mpiw Piyo: jason mraz right?
冯源升: ...ahaha..
冯源升: jason mara..
Mpiw Piyo: ahhaaaa
Mpiw Piyo: mara?
冯源升: i like it so much
Mpiw Piyo: yapp
Mpiw Piyo: and the other songs??
冯源升: try try try...also..
Mpiw Piyo: i like geek in the pink
Mpiw Piyo: ahhaaa
冯源升: ahah..
Mpiw Piyo: do you know it?
冯源升: lucky is ok?
Mpiw Piyo: i like to sing alottt
冯源升: yep..
Mpiw Piyo: that's my hobby
冯源升: jason 's
冯源升: i like i am yours best..
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: the other singer?
Mpiw Piyo: what about michael jackson?
Mpiw Piyo:
冯源升: ....beat..
冯源升: not so much..
Mpiw Piyo: I see
冯源升: the apl song..also good..
Mpiw Piyo: apl?
冯源升: eyss..
Mpiw Piyo: ouhh
Mpiw Piyo: BEP!
Mpiw Piyo: i got it hha
Mpiw Piyo: hey, i put my photo on my msn's profile
冯源升: i get in ..
Mpiw Piyo: what's ur impression of me?
冯源升: i can.t see..
冯源升: ..can u see mine?
Mpiw Piyo: no....
Mpiw Piyo: huaaaaa
冯源升: what s the matter...
冯源升: can u tell me ur msn?
冯源升: i add your msn
Mpiw Piyo: my msn is
Mpiw Piyo: can u see it?
Mpiw Piyo: heyy
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: u can see it
冯源升: i don;t know whats wrong with the web..
冯源升: i can;t see your pic..
冯源升: but i wil send my to u through email.
Mpiw Piyo: nice..
Mpiw Piyo: i will wait for it
冯源升: have u get it?
Mpiw Piyo: waitt
Mpiw Piyo: did u send it to right?
Mpiw Piyo: or maybe
Mpiw Piyo: it is faster
冯源升: send to
Mpiw Piyo: coz i don't get any
Mpiw Piyo: oke,, i see it
冯源升: see?
冯源升: get it?
Mpiw Piyo: hey i get it
Mpiw Piyo: want me to sent it too?
冯源升: yep..
Mpiw Piyo: waitt
Mpiw Piyo: i've sent it.
Mpiw Piyo: have u got it?
冯源升: let me chech
冯源升: get
Mpiw Piyo: nice
冯源升: get..
冯源升: your smile are lovely..
Mpiw Piyo: ouhh
Mpiw Piyo: so thnk u
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: i like to catch photograph
冯源升: ?
Mpiw Piyo: so it's my web of photograph
Mpiw Piyo: if u mind to open that site..
Mpiw Piyo: may u send me more picture? and maybe become panpals
冯源升: ...yep
冯源升: the wed is yours?
Mpiw Piyo: yap..
冯源升: ..ohh..u are billiant..
冯源升: brilliant..
Mpiw Piyo: why can u say i'm so brilliant?
Mpiw Piyo:
冯源升: yep so brilliant..
Mpiw Piyo: ahh
Mpiw Piyo: i need a reason
Mpiw Piyo: in order to make my art better than before
冯源升: ahahh...u are only 18..u can open your web..
冯源升: have u ever know some chinese.. i am the first chinese you know?
Mpiw Piyo: i don't really understand
Mpiw Piyo: yes, i am 18 and i can access that web
Mpiw Piyo: so what's the matter with chinese?
冯源升: yep..
Mpiw Piyo: but maybe u are the first chinese that i know
Mpiw Piyo:
冯源升: yep..
冯源升: do u wanna come to china?
Mpiw Piyo: i wantttt
Mpiw Piyo: i want to see the great walll!
冯源升: before u come to china tell me..
Mpiw Piyo: uhh, have u ever been there? (stupid question right?) LOL
冯源升: the great wall..i never see.
Mpiw Piyo: ha? why?
冯源升: i live in sichuan province...far from the capital city.
Mpiw Piyo: i think u are chinese and always go there
Mpiw Piyo: wow..
冯源升: not as that..
冯源升: china is so huge..
Mpiw Piyo: i see, beacause china is so big right?
Mpiw Piyo: yap, huge
冯源升: not every one come to beijing..
Mpiw Piyo: where is sichuan province?
冯源升: i live in westsouth part of china..
冯源升: near to india..
Mpiw Piyo: near by thailand?
Mpiw Piyo: oh,, near to india..
Mpiw Piyo: so maybe there are alot of mountain ?
冯源升: Different places in China have different cultures and customs
冯源升: far..
Mpiw Piyo: so tell about your folks strories? is like sun go kong?
Mpiw Piyo:
冯源升: sorry..
Mpiw Piyo: why did u say sorry?
冯源升: time for lunch
Mpiw Piyo: okeee
Mpiw Piyo: no matter
冯源升: i am so hungry
Mpiw Piyo: i'll do my task from my lecturer
Mpiw Piyo: have a nice lunch..
冯源升: ok bye
Mpiw Piyo: bye..
冯源升: yep
Mpiw Piyo: see you at the next chat
冯源升: yep
Mpiw Piyo:
Mpiw Piyo: bye
yang kosong-kosong itu harusnya emoticon, tapi sayangnya tidak bisa di copy-paste hoho. ternyata bisa juga chat sepanjang ini. kirain bakal di diskonek ditengah jalan hahahaha. ternyata banyak juga yg asalnya ngaku cowo padahal cewe, yg ngaku cewe ternyata cowo, wkwkkwkwkw. eh ini dia orangnya,,

aga aga alay ya? hhahahaha
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