How to Manage Your Time

Yesterday, My Teacher whose name is Mrs. Rojab told me about Daily Worth : How To Manage Your Time when I was in the Writing for General Communication Class. I think it is important for me, so I hope all of you think in the same way.

Here it is....


Sell Your Self

Not your body. Sell your mind, your creativity, your credentials. Show your boss that you deserve that promotion by solving s structural problem in your department. convince a potential client that you're the best person for the job with a polished proposal. to do that, you need to project confidence and a little moxie. but you also have to know your own value. if you don't no body else will either.
(we can do it in our daily life as if we face problems in our college or face our lecturer)

Thicken Your Skin

Whether in love or business, nobody likes to be turned down. the bad news is that in this precarious economy, rejection is everywhere. people are losing jobs, clients and colleagues. Pay cuts and pink slips are flying. it could happen to you. if it does, put on your thick skin and find the next opportunity. it's out there waiting for you.


Take those negative thoughts you've been having lately. --- " maybe I'm not the entrepreneur I thought I was. Maybe I'm not that good at what I do. Maybe I'm not supposed to be successful. Maybe I'm not cut out for this career."-- and toss them out. Now, take a deep breath and repeat : " I can be any kind of entrepreneur I want to be. If I choose the right career path for me, I will succeed. I will stop comparing my performance to those around me. I am the best that I can be."

Sell Your Friends

Celebrate the Success of others. When someone you know --- a colleague, a friend, even a professional acquaintance --- succeeds in getting what she wants, be a cheerleader. Announce her success on Twitter or Facebook.

Good Karma. Good Business.

You Are not Entitled

Think you're due all the things you do? Think again. You are not entitled to buy things you can't afford, spend your leftover cash instead of saving some, or eat out every night. But you are entitled to live within your means, save a little money every month, indulge yourself regularly but not extravagantly, and cook a gourmet candlelit dinner at home.


Things You'll Need:
• a brain

1. Step1

Now, let me just clarify, time management for me is an abstract concept that I have a great deal of trouble grasping. I am a creative person, I love the line from Spepford wives where the wife who was a writer lived in a house of chotic mess. She said her therapist told her she needs that enviorment because it nurtures creative chaos. I tend to think the same. On top of having a self diagnosed case of ADD, I find myself always acting on impulsion, swimming in bizarre thoughts and losing everything except my mind….yet. Let’s just say the pay attention to detail on my resume is a pure lie. The first tip for people like myself is when you get up in the morning, shower and are about to put on your clothes remember to check if they are inside out, unless of coarse you are trying to save money on laundry detergent. I guess the real tip in this little analogy is pay attention to what your doing even in the most mundane tasks, because it could come back to haunt you.

2. Step2

Second tip, get a planner. You will find you write a lot of stuff down that doesn’t ever happen or you don’t tick them off in an organized fashion. But if you do try to diligently look at the planner and attempt to finish them off in a somewhat organized fashion, you will get a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Completion of tasks you don’t want to do means you can do things you do want to do.

3. Step3

Third tip, do a task until it’s done. You can take breaks but don’t start a new task in the mean time. The creative do tend to multitask but not all at once. It’s too distracting.

Fourth tip and this one is an old one. DO NOT PROCRASINATE. It doesn’t help anybody to put things off that you can do at that moment. You will only cause yourself a great deal of time crunching, sleep depriving stress in the future.
Take time to do nothing. Doing nothing refreshes you and you will find when you go back to what you need to do, you are a lot more productive.

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