Just like a house that has never been cleaned, um---maintained, I mean. This blog was neglected and almost forgotten. Poor me---poor this one because I claimed my self as an business woman. But actually I don't have any activity that could make money for me, until this time. Yeah, just like the other collegians who were busy by such a lot of assignments or activities outside campus. That's me.
It's been a... wait. It's been on April, the last time I put some unimportant thing---as usual-- but I was happy writing about that. I would be always happy if I could do some writings on blogs (or even in the assignments? of course -__-) because finding an effort to take care of these responsibilities (read: blogs) is really hard to do. But then I felt so passionate to slap my cheeks (at least one of them would be tortured) when I opened Putdar's. She's so painstaking in maintaining her blogs (she has more than one!). I feel so shame.... mine just nothing :')
Okay, after these 5 months without any posting in this blog, the writing above is my welcoming speech. Hopefully I can handle all of the obstacle which wants to get me away in filling this blank speech.
Ladies and gentleman....
no more this posting again in the next following days...

Wish me luck to be sedulous ... because I'm engaging with internet this month <3
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